Oshine is a beautiful creative multi-layout, multi-purpose wordpress portfolio theme with 18 unique demos. Oshine has been rated as one of the Best Portfolio & Photography themes in many popular blogs. We have carefully crafted each & every demo to ensure that a clean and modern design is carried through. Great design and Powerful features makes Oshine irresistible.
Many people I speak to think that a great presentation has to have hundreds of slides with more graphs than you can shake a stick at.
In reality, some of the greatest presentations do not rely on animations flying in from all angles or, graphs that tell you something you already know…
They rely on simplicity.
Einstein said that genius is making complex ideas simple, and it should be no different for a presentation.
In many cases people forget that THEY are the presentation – not the screen that’s behind them. The slides are there to bring what you say to life, not to say exactly what you’re saying…
Simplify your message, less is more…