How effective is your communication?

I recently spoke to the team at The People Experience Hub around some listening they’d done around effective communication.

Unsurprisingly, 82% of senior managers said that communication was effective, great news (you’d think!), BUT…

Delving a little deeper into the data only 46% of employees on the front line agreed – there is a massive disconnect.

As a communication team, we can sometimes think that our communication is working well “the senior team think it’s great, so what’s the problem?”.

The problem is that the senior team are already bought into the business, they are the ones that are implementing the change and usually understand everything that’s going on. This is an extremely dangerous place to be and can lead to a massive disconnect in the business, not only from a communication point of view, but also culturally.

As communicators it’s our job to join up ALL areas of the business and make sure that communication is getting to everyone – so everybody is clear on plans, focus areas and successes too.